A Journey of Reconciliation: ARM's Impact Across Australia in 2024

The years wrap up

Cara Harris

1/3/20255 min read

In 2024, A.R.M. travelled and held ministry events in all our mainland states including Canberra ACT, Cherbourg QLD, Perth and Carnarvon WA, Coober Pedy SA, Sale and Shepperton VIC, and Bourke and Tabulam NSW.

A.R.M. also had representation at many events and services including Mighty Men at Uluru, NAIN (Never Again is Now) in QLD and VIC, TEABBA Radio (Top End Aboriginal Bush Broadcasting Association) in NT, Christian Friends of Israel in NSW Parliament, ANZAC Day in Barmah NSW, Fire of God Church in Casino NSW, events at Inverell, Tamworth, Muli Muli and much more.

As we have stepped out in obedience and faith God has done more than we could have imagined. More than 100 souls have been reconciled to God through Christ Jesus, identities have been restored, and bonds of love strengthened in ways only God can do.

Now we have passed into 2025 we are expectant of the move of God and what can only happen through the power of God and connectedness to The Vine as we move forward in His empowerment!

Robyn Beazley sharing at Bagot, NT

Outreach at Alice Edwards Village, Bourke, NSW

Team fellowship after a service in Perth

Joining SDA Church Bourke, NSW, remembering the former works of God

Sharing with 29 Top End Communities via Radio

Pastor Robert Knight presenting Rev. Hon. Fred Nile the Veterans Covenant Award at NSW Parliament

Christian Friends of Israel presentation, NSW Parliament, with Rev. Ezekiel and Melody Kuhlman

CFOI Sounding of the Shofar

A.R.M. Conference Cherbourg, QLD

Training up the Children in the way they should go, Cherbourg, QLD

Refreshing times of fellowship at Carnarvon WA

Young men hungry for God, Carnarvon, WA

Special time of fellowship and mentoring with Pastors Peter and Katherine Dunstan

Top End Aboriginal Bush Broadcasting Association

Enjoying TEABBA's Office between Broadcasts

Darwin Christian Family Centre Church, NT

Joining the Fijian Church Outreach to Bagot, NT

A warm welcome and feast from Minister's in Darwin

Mighty Men's Conference Yalara, NT

Katajuta with Pastor George Cooley, NT

Mother and Son, Uluru, NT

Intercession in Bourke, NSW

Standing with the Jewish Nation, NAIN QLD

Never Again in Now, QLD

Julie Knight with Jennifer Cooley, Coober Pedi, SA

The Worship Band back together, Cobber Pedi, SA

Crowds waited outside for Robert and Julie to arrive

Rev. Hon. Fred Nile's 90th Birthday. Pastor Robert opened and closed the gathering in Prayer

Remembering the Lighthorse Charge at Be'er-sheva Anniversary. Messianic Jewish Leader David Morris (Left) and Cara Harris (Right), Tabulam, NSW

Pastor Robert Reading the Indigenous Embassy Jerusalem Declaration Tabulam War Memorial

Pastor Ken Hickling Sharing his experience in Israel for the Lighthorse Charge Centenary

Gospel Concert in Tabulam on Balfour Declaration Anniversary and honoring those involved in the historic One Nation Under God Ministry

All Nations Church Inverell, NSW Annual community Outreach

Dances and Skits are a feature at the All Nations Church Outreach

Pastors Robert and Julie Knight Ministering at the Muli Muli Convention

Muli Muli Christmas to New Year Convention

2 Corinthians 5:18-19 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.